
Community Recommendations

This page lists a some of the resources that our neighbors found useful and would recommend.

Please note that the list below is not associated with, or endorsed by, the Bent Creek HOA or GRS Management. Anybody can get in touch with the webmaster to have a company added (or removed). It is up to you to get in touch with the company (or the neighbors that recommend them), verify if their credentials are what is required, and execute the project you have at hand. This list is merely a list of recommendations from people inside the community, and is in no way a quarantee by the HOA Board or GRS Management of the services or quality of the company.
Bent Creek HOA

Services provided by your neighbors

The following is a list of companies that are recommended by neighbors because they  own or work for the company. 

Business IT Services
Phone: 305-793-9054
Provides back-end IT services to small and medium sized companies.

Home Warranty
Phone: 888-840-0005
Provides Home Warranty services starting at $1/day. Protect your home, appliances, pool and spa from unexpected expenses. 

Bent Creek HOA

Services provided by recommendation

The following is a list of companies that are recommended by neighbors, where the neigbor is not an employee or owner of the company.

House Paint


Indoor Tiling

Rain Gutters

Handyman Services

Request a new company to be added

Your personal details are used to validate if you are a resident of Bent Creek, and to communicate back to you when the company has been added. We do not store, sell or share email addresses with external parties!
About the company
All submissions are manually evaluated and added. You can enter additional notes and comments (like special offers or a request to contact you) in the 'Company Description'-field if you needed.
We will not respond to inquiries from non-residents.